How-To: Post an iGraph™ In the Discussion Forum (part 3 of 3)

In Part 1 and 2 you were introduced to the methods used to post an iGraph™ in the discussion forum and use iGraph™ parameters to customize the y-axis label and range. This How-to will list all of the available parameters that can be used to customize the iGraph™.

The y-Axis Parameters

Parameter: yAxisLabel
Accepted values: “Anything in quotes*” (* except more quotes)
Default value: “Value”

Description: Sets the value of the y-axis label.
Example: yAxisLabel="Number Correct"

Parameter: yAxisTickLabelPrefix
Accepted values: “Anything in quotes*” (* except more quotes)
Default value: NA

Description: Sets the value of a prefix that will be used to label the y-axis tick marks.
Example: yAxisTickLabelPrefix="$"

Parameter: yAxisTickLabelSuffix
Accepted values: “Anything in quotes*” (* except more quotes)
Default value: NA

Description: Sets the value of a suffix that will be used to label the y-axis tick marks.
Example: yAxisTickLabelSuffix="%"

Parameter: yAxisMin
Accepted values: any integer or decimal (must be less than the value specified by the yAxisMax parameter)
Default value: NA

Description: Set the minimum value for the y-axis. Note, if you do not specify this parameter then the iGraph™ will default to the auto range calculated value for the minimum y.
Example: yAxisMin=0.5

Parameter: yAxisMax
Accepted values: any integer or decimal (must be greater than the value specified by the yAxisMin parameter)
Default value: NA

Description: Set the maximum value for the y-axis. Note, if you do not specify this parameter then the iGraph™ will default to the auto range calculated value for the maximum y.
Example: yAxisMax=10.5

The x-Axis Parameter

Parameter: xAxisLabel
Accepted values: “Anything in quotes*” (* except more quotes)
Default value: “Session Number”

Description: Sets the value of the x-axis label.
Example: xAxisLabel="Week"

Some iGraph™ adornments

Parameter: graphTitle
Accepted values: “Anything in quotes*” (* except more quotes)
Default value: no title

Description: Labels the iGraph™ with a title.
Example: graphTitle="Subject 2: Percent correct using protocol A"

Parameter: showGrid
Accepted values: 0, 1
Default value: 0

Description: Shows a grid on the iGraph™.
Example: showGrid=1

Parameter: showGoals
Accepted values: 0, 1
Default value: 0

Description: Shows any defined goals on the iGraph™.
Example: showGoals=1


See How-To: Make Goals and Benchmarks for more details on how to use benchmarks and specify valid benchmark markup.

Parameter: benchmarkLabel
Accepted values: “Anything in quotes*” (* except more quotes)
Default value: no title

Description: Sets the label for the benchmarks in the iGraph™ legend.
Example: benchmarkLabel="Nominal Value"

Parameter: benchmarkMarkup
Accepted values: “(x1,y1)(x2,y2)...(xn, yn)”
Default value: NA

Description: Defines the benchmark points in the iGraph™. A valid benchmark text must be defined to show the benchmark(s).
Example: benchmarkMarkup=“(1,2.2) (5,8.8) (10,10.0)”

Setting the Comparison Analysis Method

Parameter: ComparisonAnalysisMethod
Accepted values: "pnd", "cdc", "npcdc", "tauU"
Default value: "pnd"

Description: Sets the comparison analysis method for comparing data paths. The values are defined below:

  • pnd : Percent Non-overlapping Data Points
  • cdc : Conservative Dual Criteria
  • npcdc : Nonparametric Conservative Dual Criteria
  • tauU : Tau-U

Example: comparisonAnalysisMethod="cdc"

Making the Data Editable

Parameter: edit
Accepted values: 0, 1
Default value: 0

Description: Allows the data to be edited (or not).
Example: edit=1