Therapy-Science For Your Classroom

Simply fill out the form below and we’ll get you started on a path that can help you to educate your students with the tools and resources specifically designed to help bolster any course that involves critical thinking, evidence-informed decision-making, or single-case design.

As an instructor, as long as your classroom includes 20 or more subscribing students, there is no cost to you. Simply include a student membership to Therapy-Science as part of their required course materials and you will get a free account on your very own private website that will be set up just for you and your students.

This means that you will get access to all that Therapy-Science has to offer: data visualization and analysis tools, an interactive book, a dynamic glossary, references and links to relevant external resources, and more! – with the added benefit of a private discussion group created specifically for your class.

Here you can post and interact with your class. You can also assign discussion topics, post interesting data and graphs to help reinforce learning objectives, and encourage student discovery and mastery of concepts through practice in Therapy-Science’s interactive environment.

The cost to the students is $89 for a two-year membership. Two years will allow them to utilize all that Therapy-Science has to offer during their academic, clinic, and research training – helping to develop their skills and resources as they transition from student to professional scientist-practitioner.

Fill out the form below and we can begin to have a conversation about how Therapy-Science can best assist you and your students.


    Some common questions about Therapy-Science for classroom use

    Therapy-Science delivers many ways to utilize a wide variety of resources and functionality to enhance your classroom. We’ve included many helpful examples and resources to get you started and keep your curriculum fresh and engaging.

    The interactive book and glossary provide an immersive environment for self-paced learning and exploration.

    Connect with your class using the Discussion Forum

    • Share graphs of interesting data with your students so they can explore them on their own.
    • Post lecture notes for an easy searchable reference by you and your students.
    • Pose questions and keep the discussion going beyond the classroom.

    Display Therapy-Science to illustrate concepts and demonstrate methods in real-time.

    • Show graphs, explore and analyze data during your lectures.
    • See statisitical measures visually with a simple click on the graph.
    • Get statistical details to see quantitative analysis results.

    As a cloud-based system there are no limits.

    • Share data with your students and colleagues around the globe.
    • Great for on-line courses.
    • Always updated with the latest resources, features, and technologies to help you be a more effective educator.

    The Basics:

    • Include a Therapy-Science membership as part of the required course materials
    • With 20+ paying students in your class:
      • You get a free one-year membership for the instructor
      • Your class will get a custom URL and branded website
    • If those 20+ students are using Therapy-Science in their practicum, we can get clinical supervisor accounts set up as well*.

    * – Contact us for details. Free annual Instructor and Clinical Supervisor accounts get renewed with each new class of 20+ students that signs up for a Therapy-Science membership.

    Don’t wait until your class starts. We can get your site set up before the semester to give you plenty of time to become familiar with Therapy-Science and incorporate its many features into your class planning.
    We want Therapy-Science to continue to work for you and your students throughout your academic program. Here’s how we ensure that you and your students will always have access to Therapy-Science:

    • Student memberships last two full years, so they can use they can use Therapy-Science after the class is over, throughout their graduate program – supporting them as they go from student to professional.
    • As long as 20+ students subscribe to Therapy Science each year in your research/clinical methods class, it is free to the instructor and eligible clinic supervisors.

    If you are having difficulties meeting the student requirement, please contact us. We can work something out!